Dimensions of Wellness

w3.PNGWellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. It can also be defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is one realizing of their true abilities and potential to live a healthy, gratifying, more stable and composed life. Wellness is the value or condition of having a healthy body and mind which is brought about by measured effort. Visit sponauglewellness.com

Having a maximum level of wellness is very important to living a better quality life. Wellness is of great concern because everything we do and every emotion we feel is related to our wellbeing. Wellness is therefore a factor that one needs to ensure that they have achieved and maintained so as to avoid stress and decrease risks and attain affirmative reactions. It is a preemptive life procedures maximizing awareness and choices towards a healthy, satisfying and composed lifestyle.


Wellness is comprised of eight proportions; emotional, occupational, spiritual, environmental, financial, social and intellectual. Each dimension of wellness is related to the other and equally vital in the persuit of optimal health. Emotional wellness involves understanding one’s feelings and adapting effectively to stress. It is essential for one to be attentive when it comes to self-care and relaxation and also trying to grow and learn from experience. It means having the capability to know and get in terms with our emotions rather than rejecting them, have a positive approach to life and enjoy it regardless of the often disappointments. Environmental wellness gives us the inspiration to live concerning our surrounding and encourages us to live in peaceful coexistence while taking care of our environment. This promotes our interaction with nature and personal environment. Spiritual wellness can be expressed through religion and it helps us develop a set of values that allows us seek meaning and purpose in life.Learn about lyme clinic

Financial wellness is the process of learning how to manage financial expenses successfully. Money at many times is found to be the leading cause of stress among people. Someone having financial stabilities are at most times happy with life and satisfied compared to their counterparts.

Intellectual wellness is the ability to open up to and appreciate new ideas and contributions when tackling a situation and continual efforts to gain more knowledge.

Occupational wellness involves being happy in your daily activities like in your job and always appreciating your growth and contribution in it. Social wellness gives us the ability to interact with other people and perform our roles in the society.

It could be achieved through getting enough rest, eating healthy foods, exercise and attending to any sign of illness.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_fitness

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